the remote end hung up unexpectedly|《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》的读后感10篇

文摘大全 2014-07-31 16:38:48 文摘大全
[摘要]《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》是一本由Stephen R Covey著作,Free Press出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:$15 00 读后感


《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》的读后感10篇

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》是一本由Stephen R. Covey著作,Free Press出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:$15.00,页数:384,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(一):Live fully with paradigm shifts

  Love the way Mr.Covey offers his authentic advice, he rephrases the principles we have known for a long time, and makes it more acceptable and interesting with excellent perception.

  I am deeply impressed by his wisdom both in work and personal life, how he interprets the challenges we face everyday. It is the way he sees through the inner need of human being that makes his expression persuasive.

  “Search your own heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life.”

  I"ve experienced how paradigm shift can change the life, and it is the power of thinking. You are not going to achieve your goal and real happiness unless you find out your deeper value and willing to make your personal mission statement and commit to it.

  I"d love to share my understanding of the 7 habits.

  Overall view of 7 habits:

  Dependence- Independence- Interdependence

  Lots of people stop when achieve independence. However, the beauty of life lies in the PLUS, that is, we get to somewhere we are not supposed to get to if without cooperative attitude. You can take care of yourself and refuse marriage as you are independent, or you choose to shape your life with interdependent relationship. You can stay busy and handle the job on your own, or you can lead the team with inspiring ideas and sharing concept. It is all about paradigm shift.

  It is essential to become independent before interdependence phrase. However we are not talking about communication technique or sales skills or any form of "fake personality" which makes the life easier but not genuine.

  I believe very much that "It is futile to put personality ahead of character." That"s why I do not like the social acknowledged manner without sincere caring. I want to be a better me inside-out.

  1.Be proactive.

  e the master of yourself & Do not compromise without trying. I know from my life that there is plenty of circumstances people give up before fully understand the situation and never occur to them to expand their influential terrain. We complain, or act upon the so-called problem, staying at the surface, not the root cause or the real feeling.

  2.Begin with the end in mind.

  A plane will arrive at the destination on time even if it is off course 90% of the time. You will get to anywhere you want if only you stick to your basic paradigm.

  3. Put first things first.

  It is interesting to present the catagories in quadrant. We always neglect the important but not urgent activities. And we are trapped in the not important but urgent errands. We do the easy and comfortable things instead of worth-to-try enterprise.

  4. Think win-win.

  We earn wisdom through winwin attitude. There is always solution to the issues, and win-lose type is too narrow to apply in the daily life.

  Winwin or no-deal, or we can seek for third alternative to fulfill our expectation.

  5. Seek to understand, then to be understood.

  It is the most difficult part in the 7 habits. We see the phonomenon everywhere that they do not understand, including parenting and supervising and talking others into something they do not even aware of the core need.


  7.Sharpen the saw.

  Truth lies in practice. You will never get to the place you long for without steering and adjusting.

  As T.S.Eliot put it, "We must not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time."

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(二):7 habits读书心得 (6)

  在读7 habits之前, 就听朋友推荐过Between stimulus and response这一章节里面的话, 当时听了就很有触动.

  书里讲: "Between what happened to him (Viktor Frankl), or the stimulus, and his response to it, was his freedom or power to choose that response." 如果换做第一人称就是: Between what happened to us, and our response to it, was our freedom or power to choose that response.

  我们不是只有条件反射的动物, 我们不是别人对我笑我就对他笑, 别人对我哭我就对他哭, 我们心里的灯可以引导我们的行动. 这个选择response的能力, 是我们成长的过程. 第一个习惯里的proactive, 就是我们自己选择的response, 是否有人监督, 是否有人催促, 是否有人表扬, 这些都是外界的stimulus, 但是真正决定response的是我们自己, 所以叫"自觉", 要自己觉得才行. 和自觉相反的一个词是被动, 也就是我们的response完全受stimulus影响, 我们是"被行动"了.

  书里还分解了"responsibility"这个词: "response-ability"--the ability to choose your response. 这个解释也很有意思. 有责任的人会为自己的行动和自己的选择负责, 而不是归咎于外界的因素.

  归根结底, 如果要proactive, 就要先认清自己的内心, 为自己的行为负责, 只有知道自己想要什么, 才会主动行动. "主动"是自己行动, 而不是"被动"的被行动.

  书里的另外两段话我也很有感触:"No one can hurt you without your consent. " "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." 我们走到今天,每一步都是自己走出来的,如果我们想要改进自己,这一步也要我们自己走出去. 

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(三):姐写的以后谁作业要抄拿去吧。都是扯淡反正

  The seven habits of highly effective people

  These 7 habits move us through 3 stages:

  Dependence: we are born, relying upon others to take care of us

  Independence: we can make our own decisions and take care of ourselves

  Interdependence: we cooperate to achieve something that cannot be achieved independence.

  Habit 1: Be proactive

  I was used to Chinese way of being a student---we listen to the teachers and do what they have told us which leads to a problem: we are lack of innovation and creative. Sometimes follow the instruction does not mean I have figure out everything; I was ashamed and afraid to ask questions or raise my own point of view. But here in HES, in many projects like EXP and FDI or SAP minor, if we do not ask then teacher will never tell us, to be proactive and ask what I should do or am I doing the right thing what should I implement will help the project be more effective and more accurate.

  Habit 2: Begin with the END in mind

  We start up a project or a plan should based on imagination--the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. In other word, all things are created twice----one is a mental (first) creation, and another is a physical (second) creation. You do your second creation by follow the blueprint of your first creation. If you do everything without planning and visualizing then you probably will face a failure. Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and goals, then be proactive to achieve it. And that is the reason I make agenda points and action plan every meeting.

  Habit 3: Put First things first

  Every day we manage ourselves, not only for the school or job, life management as well--your purpose, values, roles, and priorities. To start with every task, you find out most worth thing then you put it to the priority. It is not only about time management but also the effectiveness of your work.

  Habit 4: Think Win-Win

  Most of us learn to base our self-worth on competition that is we think about succeeding in terms of someone else failing. However life especially in business is a cooperative arena, if we seek a mutual beneficial and satisfying solution that can make sure we earn a long relationship business. Nevertheless, if you do not express your idea or feeling and stick to your own values, you probably will be persuade by others. To go for win-win, you not only have to be empathic, but you also have to be confident. You not only have to be considerate and sensitive, you also have to be brave. That is the fundamental of win-win principle.

  Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

  Communication is the most important skill in life. In HES I learned a lot about how to communication with others. We have different personalities and different background, not mention to the values, if we do not learn to understand it will easily get a conflict. Most people used way of seek first to be understood we want to get our point across that we may probably ignore the other person completely or miss the meaning entirely. So if we try to understand others first then to be understood will help other more effective and reduce dispute.

  Habit 6: Synergize

  Working in a team, we often brainstorming but the result do not have to be your way or my way, we may cooperate to achieve things that better than do it independent. Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. We bring our personal experience and expertise to the table and together we can produce far better results that we do it individually. When people begin to interact together genuinely, and we are open to each other"s influence, we begin to gain new insight. The capability of inventing new approaches is increased exponentially because of differences.

  Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

  Life is a learning process, in nowadays, everything update with a high speed. People should update themselves as well to adapt into the globalization and modern world. It is also a way to gain self-competence for your career. Sharpen the Saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practice the other six habits. You increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you. Renew yourself is not only about mental but also physical, social and spiritual. Relax yourself in art, music, medication or make social connection with others. I personally do sport once a week, and every moth I read a book about economic, art or history etc. Every day is a new day, we should face it by turn over a new leaf.

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(四):7 habits 读书心得(12)

  第二个习惯还涉及了人生观和世界观. 小时候上政治课的时候觉得这些词好大好空, 好像离我们的生活很遥远, 什么是正确的人生观和世界观呢? 虽然政治课的答案背得很熟练, 但是心里并没有真正理解. 现在想来, 世界观和人生观就是我们如何看世界和人生, 而我们对周围发生的事物的看法, 直接影响了我们的行为. 比如工作中别人指出我们的问题, 有人觉得对方能指出自己的问题帮自己进步很难得, 有人觉得对方是不是看我不顺眼怎么成心找茬, 有人觉得被别人指出来好没面子. 对同一个事情, 大家可以有不同的看法, 而这些看法, 其实是映射了我们的内心, 映射了我们的世界观和人生观.

  书中提到了人生观的不同的中心, 就像摄影的时候聚焦的地方, 摄影的时候往往是聚焦的地方清晰, 其他地方模糊. 如果我们只聚焦在某一点, 就无法了解这个世界的全貌, 自己觉得自己看问题客观全面, 事实上很有可能是盲人摸象. 现在社会上很流行的凤凰男这个名词就体现了以原生家庭为中心的一种人生观. 因为凤凰男只想到自己父母和兄弟姐妹不容易, 一心想满足他们的要求, 而忽视了老婆家庭的利益和感受. 凤凰男的聚焦点是自己的原生家庭, 其他的人都被虚化了. 如果只看这个聚焦点, 凤凰男让自己家人过上好日子没有错, 但是如果把聚焦的范围扩大些, 就会发现自己的做法有可能是侵犯了别人的利益. 只不过凤凰男的视野里没有其他人, 于是想不到自己是侵犯了别人的利益, 不觉得自己有什么错.

  怎么才能让自己有正确的人生观呢? 我觉得谁也不敢说自己的人生观就是正确的, 毕竟人生包罗了万象, 我们不可能事事都对. 那怎么才能改进呢? 我感觉, 人只有意识到自己错了才会改正. 就像小时候做题, 得学会自己检查, 而不是等着老师判卷子的时候打了大叉子才知道自己错了. 如果检查的时候顺着自己做题的思路检查, 永远查不出错来, 永远觉得自己对. 所以得换个解法, 换个角度看问题, 只有多种解法答案一致了, 答案才有可能就是对的. 生活也是一样, 得练着换位思考. 如果得出的答案不一致, 就想想到底可能是哪里出了错, 不断修正自己的看法, 尽量找出双赢的办法.

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(五):花时间去做那些important(usually time consuming) but not urgent things



  这就说到了最近几年一直想要养成的一个习惯:当意识到一件事情很重要的时候,直接dive in,边做边学边总结。想要了解清楚各种背景和自己的能力以后再去做十拿九稳的事情固然能更大的满足我们的自尊心,却会白白让很多机会溜走。所以就应该像这本书最打动我的一条一样:先了解清楚那些事情是重要但是不紧急的事情。这些事情才是最值得我们花时间的。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(六):7 habits 读书心得 (10)

  书里涉及了对待错误的看法和态度. 我们从小到大, 总会有做出错误的选择和决定的时候. 很多时候, 我们会不自觉地懊悔于自己过去的决定, 但是, 过去的已经过去了, 过去的错误已经在我们的circle of influence之外了. 就像书里说的"We can"t recall them, we can"t undo them, we can"t control the consequences that came as a result." 回想小时候每次重大考试之前家长和老师就经常嘱咐, 如果某一科觉得考得不理想不要紧, 不要因为情绪波动而影响后面的考试. 现在已经走出校门, 没有考试了, 但是生活的考试无时无处不在, 因为某一件事没有处理好而导致影响后面的生活情况的似乎也不少见; 因为和别人产生了某次冲突导致影响今后的关系的情况也不少见. 我们过去犯的错误已经过去了, 如果因为过去的错误导致后面的一系列错误就是错上加错了. 书里写得很好:"The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct it, and learn from it. This literally turns a failure into a success." 犯错没有关系,只要我们吃一堑长了一智,这个堑就没有白吃.如果不反省,自欺欺人地给自己找理由,把责任归结于外部条件,那就可能吃了N堑还不长一智,会一直重复以前的错误.感觉家庭生活和人际交往中,把错误的原因归结为其他人的情况比工作中更常见,工作中的错误很多时候大家可以treat professionally, 不会take things personally.家庭生活中是"清官难断家务事",但是我们的目的不是来讲对错,而是要有个幸福快乐的家。也许我们可以先暂时放下争执对错,而是去想想如何解决问题,就像书中所说:"Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem."

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(七):7 habits 读书心得 (9)

  很喜欢7 habits这本书里circle of concern和circle of influence的说法. 这世上有许多我们关心的事情 (circle of concern), 但是其中也有很多事情我们无法改变 (outside of our circle of influence), 可惜我们有意无意地会把时间和精力用在抱怨那些我们无法改变的事情或者外界条件上. 不管是抱怨配偶的弱点也好,感叹命运不公让自己得了绝症也好,这些都是不在circle of influence之内的,与其浪费这些时间和精力, 不如改变我们自己. 书中引用了很有智慧的一段话: "Lord, give me the courage to change the things which can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept the things which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference." 我想如果每当心理有负面情绪出现, 我们的脑子可以及时提醒自己, 哪些是outside of our circle of influence要平心静气接受现实, 哪些是我们可以改变的要积极争取, 这样的话, 负面情绪会越来越少, 积极的行动会越来越多.

  我们的circle of influence的范围也是可以改变的, 而这个改变, 很大程度上是由我们自己决定的. 如果我们遇到事情是事不关己高高挂起的态度, 不发表意见, 不参与行动, 那无论在家庭也好, 单位也好, 社会上也好, 我们的影响力会越来越小, 因为是我们自己让我们自己invisible. 如果我们遇事不抱怨,认真分析,提出建设性意见,那别人就会愿意听取我们的见解, 愿意和我们并肩行动,这个时候,我们的影响力会越来越大. 

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(八):7 habits 读书心得 (15)

  第5个习惯是seek understand first, then to be understood, 对此我也非常赞成.

  泡网的时候, 有时候就会发生把帖子的标题看错的事情. 比如前一段时间埃及和利比亚都发生战乱, 有人发帖子问撤侨的事情, 结果无数人看成了撒娇. 经过这件事之后, 有个人再发帖子说撒娇, 大家又给看成撤侨了. 撤侨和撒娇, 哪儿挨哪儿嘛. "白纸黑字"的, 为什么那么多人会看错呢? 这说明, 先入为主对人思维的影响是多么大. 日常生活中, 人也难免用自己的想法去套在别人的身上, 我们以为我们去理解别人了, 我们还在兴高彩烈给人家出主意让人家怎么撒娇, 其实人家可能在一个战乱的城市火急火燎想回家. 要想理解别人, 要先放下自己心里的成见, 放下自己心里的先入为主, 这样才会理解对方. 如果永远不能把自己剥离开, 那就总是带着自己的有色眼镜去看对方, 看见的就是一个经过折射的自己, 而不是原原本本的对方. 当对方总是感到不被理解和被误解的委屈时, 恐怕也很难静下心来理解我们, 那我们也就无法被理解. 人际交往尤其是家庭生活中, 因为误解而产生矛盾的情况实在是太多了. 所以我们要时刻提醒自己, 哪些想法是带着自己的有色眼镜的, 慢慢学会在分析问题的时候把自己剥离, 还原事务的本像.

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(九):一本关于世界观的书



  先说一下大概,我是从16年三月份开始看,到五月底看完,前面看的比较细,而后面比较快,这并不是说后面的内容不好,或是到后面没有耐心了。而是,这本书完完全全是一个人的成长,以我目前的认知,对于第一个习惯,Be Proactive 最有感触,收获也最大,后面的习惯,我也十分期待,有一天,若能养成,会是怎样的一种成长,就像是拿了一本武林秘籍,练了第一招之后,就觉天下我有,也会期待练完七招,是不是会独孤求败,哈哈。

  timulate 和 Response 之间,你可以有自己的思考。这就是第一个习惯的核心,我对于第一个习惯的应用,有许多,比如在扇贝做听力,一开始打卡觉得蛮轻松的,到两周以后,突然发现自己要做的事情多了很多,就会想,要不今天不打算了吧。也确实,这样断断续续的日子持续了一周左右,感谢自己,那时候就相信,这样一周状态只是一个过程,一个成长的过程。果然之后,Be Proactive 这个词就会出现,当我犹豫是不是今天太累,就不要打卡了。这样一天天的坚持,让我觉得对自己的控制力得到增强。于是又开始加入了晨跑这个项目,晨跑这件事对我的改变是相当大的,就像唐德刚在《晚清七十年》里写,一转百转,当我开始晨跑以后,我意识到,如果我要在六点起床去跑步的话,就必须在十一点上床睡觉了,要不然睡眠不够,早上根本起不了。而十一点睡觉,又意味着,我必须把晚上的时间安排好,不能一直拖拖拉拉,十点半要洗澡了,十点要扇贝打卡了,九点半该去健身房了,当时间开始往前推的时候,发现一切都变得有序多了。其中的收获,恐怕还有就是控制住了自己的手淫,以前常觉得,手淫时间至少得半个小时吧,要不然多丢人。现在发现,不就是发泄性本能吗,几分钟就够了啦,快点解决,洗澡睡觉啦。

  e Proactive,我希望自己无论何时何地,都能牢记,自己有能力去改变自己的生活。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(十):Be awesome


  但有些概念归纳出来还是有新意的,比如P/PC, 先入为主看画的故事,去看年迈的母亲还是全家去钓鱼etc.



  这也是作者提出的sharpen the saw的重要方面,给生活做好平衡,健康积极的生活,才能进入一个好的循环。可幸,最近基本养成跑步和睡前看课外书至少一小时的习惯。


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    散文,汉语词汇,拼音是sǎnwén。一指文采焕发;二指犹行文; 三指文体名。随着时代的发展,散文的概念由广义向狭义转变,并受到西方文化的影响。以下是小编收集整理的优美哲理散文摘抄汇编3篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。
  • 经典的文言文摘抄【三篇】
  • 优美哲理散文摘抄(锦集3篇)
  • 初中800字美文摘抄锦集五篇
  • 难忘的一件事作文摘选(合集12篇)
  • 英语短文摘抄(通用4篇)