
哲理故事 2023-03-09 00:29:13 哲理故事




Patriotism is the morality of a citizen and the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. Express your patriotic feelings in the form of writing a composition. This article is about 800 words of patriotic composition. Welcome to read and learn.

The motherland is the mother who nurtures us and the cradle of our lives. We should be proud of being a Chinese. Our motherland has a long history of 5000 years, and a large number of heroes and heroines have emerged in the long river of history. They have fought desperately with the enemy for every inch of the land of the motherland. Because of their efforts and sacrifices, our motherland can be prosperous and strong. Therefore, we should always say to ourselves: "I am a Chinese, and I am proud of it!" Love for the motherland is reflected everywhere in life.

I remember that on October 23 this year, I participated in the group dance performance at the opening ceremony of the district sports meeting held at the Proverbs Middle School. Lift the leg, turn the circle, lift the leg again, wave the ribbon... A series of passionate dance movements have been practiced for many times. Sweat has soaked the clothes and pants, fatigue has hit the body, wound the cheeks, filled the heart, and can"t be forgotten. The colorful stadium in front of us is covered with a layer of gray. How tired!

Finally, it"s time for the opening ceremony. A majestic and loud national anthem resounded through the stadium. Red was added to the gray, and red occupied the whole view. At the same time, I saw a guard of honor composed of three brave and energetic officers and soldiers. The neat pace made my tired heart fly away in an instant. What a great momentum! More than 3000 armed police soldiers ran into the stadium with a huge national flag and made a loud cry. The red color spread all over the stadium. The five-star red flag fluttered like a wave with their movements, and my heart was also shaken. "Get up, people who don"t want to be slaves..." The loud and clear national anthem filled the stadium. That voice, that momentum, that is the love of the motherland, that is the pride of China, and this passion moved me even more.

young people

We all remember that after the 5.12 earthquake, a young man held up a thin piece of paper on the Tiananmen Square and shouted with eight words printed on it: "Come on, Wenchuan, China!" How many people were touched by such an ordinary move? We can all recall that an old overseas Chinese stood on the roadside with a sign with three big words "good motherland" to show his gratitude and love for the motherland. How many people were shocked by such an ordinary act? As we all know, the "One Fund" founded by Jet Li may not be worth the one yuan we donated. Just because there are thousands of ordinary one-yuan money gathered together, how many people have been helped? Of course, their actions will not be recorded in history, and their names will not be immortal. What they do today is to serve the country. Devote your blood, your true feelings and your strength.


After the Yushu earthquake, the Chinese government quickly organized rescue operations. At the call of the government, all sectors of society also took active action to implement the rescue by every means, and made every effort to contribute to the earthquake relief work. Sony and all its employees have always paid close attention to the rescue situation in Yushu disaster area, and quickly launched various emergency rescue operations, including fund-raising.

On April 15, Sony"s enterprises and employees in China immediately decided to donate 1 million yuan to the disaster area of Yushu through the China Children"s and Children"s Fund of the All-China Women"s Federation for the earthquake relief work of children in the earthquake area, and jointly launched the "Love Yushu, Love Warm Childhood" - Sony"s donation action for children in the earthquake area. In the afternoon of April 16, Mr. Zhao Bin, Vice President of Sony (China) Co., Ltd., personally delivered 1 million yuan to UNICEF. Of this amount, 500000 yuan will be used immediately for emergency post-disaster relief for children in the earthquake area, and another 500000 yuan will be used to support the reconstruction of schools after the earthquake.


All of this is about patriotism. We should adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, correctly understand the history and reality of the motherland, strengthen patriotic feelings and the sense of responsibility to revitalize the motherland, and establish national pride and self-confidence; We should carry forward the great spirit of the Chinese nation, hold high the banner of patriotism, forge ahead, strive for self-improvement, work hard and work hard, and truly turn patriotism into a service to the country. Today we study hard to revitalize China, and tomorrow we will contribute our own strength to create a brilliant future for the motherland!


Dear teachers and students

The motherland is also our parents who support us. It is because we can"t have a place to live without our motherland, nor can we have our grandpa, grandma, father and mother without these people. Now the science and technology of the motherland is OK, but we should study hard and serve the motherland when we grow up. We should also repay the motherland.

The motherland is now China"s traffic safety. We need to learn more knowledge. As a teacher, we can teach our students and obey the traffic rules. Let your students go home and tell their parents to obey the traffic rules. When the inventor invented a sensor, when the vehicle is running at high speed, someone will turn off automatically one meter ahead. We should obey the traffic rules more. We will lose another Chinese compatriot in a car accident. Think for yourself if any family members have left you for the car accident, and the Chinese compatriots also don"t want to. It will be painful for you to leave a relative. Every year, more than 100000 people die from traffic accidents. Remember not to drink and drive. Many people will die less each year. Primary school students should learn more and become useful to the society when they grow up. Become a pillar of the country, and when you grow up, you can serve the country and become a loyal and filial person.

I also hope that students will not litter casually, so as to green the motherland and make it a beautiful home.


In order to create a strong atmosphere of learning advanced and striving to be advanced, the leading group of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee"s theme education of "never forget the original intention and keep in mind the mission" recently issued a notice to carry out learning activities from Comrade Zhou Yongkai in the theme education.

Zhou Yongkai joined the CPC in 1945 at the age of 17 and worked underground. After the founding of New China, he held a leading position. After his retirement, he resolutely chose to take root in Huacalyx Mountain, become a mountain keeper, engage in philanthropic public welfare undertakings, and also vigorously spread and promote the red culture.

There is no end to life and no end to struggle. Comrade Zhou Yongkai has always attached great importance to the cause of the Party and the people, and has striven for the cause of communism all his life. He has interpreted the original mission of the Communists with practical actions, demonstrated the political character of loyalty and clean responsibility of Party members and cadres, and displayed the vanguard image of the Communist Party members. His advanced deeds are a spiritual and spiritual baptism for the Communists. He is the representative of excellent Communist Party members, sets a learning benchmark for each Party member, and is an example for each Party member to learn.

Learning from Comrade Zhou Yongkai is of great significance for the Communist Party members to cultivate their political character of being loyal, clean and responsible, to carry forward the fine style of being practical and honest for the people, and to boost the spirit of doing things, starting businesses, and taking on responsibilities. Communists should learn from his revolutionary spirit and belief, keep in mind the identity of Communists at all times, stick to their original aspiration, be loyal to the Party, listen to the Party"s words and follow the Party forever. We should learn from his pioneering and exemplary spirit of taking on the mission, persevering in struggle, daring to face up to contradictions, brave to fight forward, working hard, pioneering and enterprising, knowing the heavy burden and overcoming difficulties. Learn from his feelings of serving the people wholeheartedly and selflessly, serving the people wholeheartedly, and consciously wanting and working with the people. Learn from his political nature of being indifferent to fame and wealth, honest in performing his duties, clean in life, clean in work, and pragmatic and honest for the people.

An example is a visible philosophy, and its deeds are the most persuasive. An example is the inexhaustible strength of our generations of Communists. We should firmly take the advanced model as an example, learn from the advanced model, tell a good story of the advanced model, and constantly carry forward the positive energy of society.


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