[f1]F· Scott Fitzgerald的格言

经典语录 2020-06-29 18:04:20 经典语录
[摘要]1、There was something truly wonderful about him, a heightened sensitivity to the promises of life – 经典语录


F· Scott Fitzgerald的格言

  1、There was something truly wonderful about him, a heightened sensitivity to the promises of life – he was like one of those complicated machines that show the presence of an earthquake ten thousand miles away. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  2、Suddenly Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily.'They're such beautiful shirts,' she sobbed. 'It makes me sad because I've never seen such – such beautiful shirts before.'Outside Gatsby's window it began to rain again, and we stood in a row looking out at the sea beyond the lawn.' ----《The Great Gatsby》

  3、We drove over the great bridge, with the sunlight on the moving cars, and the city rising up across the river. New York seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world.' ----《The Great Gatsby》

  4、He knew that when he kissed this girl, he would never dream his wild dreams again. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the music of the stars.Then he kissed her. At the touch of his lips, love opened like a flower and his new life was born. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  5、By seven o'clock every Saturday night, the orchestra has arrived. The last swimmers have come in from the beach and are dressing upstairs; there are at least five rows of cars from New York parked in front of the house, and already the halls and rooms are full of colorful dresses and the latest, strangest haircuts. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  6、IN THE MEANTIME, IN BETWEEN TIME—As I went over to say goodbye, I saw the dazed look on Gatsby's face again. Was he doubting the quality of his happiness? Almost five years! ----《The Great Gatsby》

  7、Daisy asked me questions in her low, exciting voice. Her face was sad and lovely, with bright eyes and a bright beautiful mouth, but it was her voice that men who loved her found difficult to forget. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  8、I walked out the back way – just as Gatsby had done half an hour earlier – and waited under a huge black tree in the middle of my lawn. Once more it was pouring, and there was nothing to look at from under the tree except Gatsby's enormous mansion.After half an hour the sun shone again. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  9、There was music from my neighbor's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like night-flying insects among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. ----《The Great Gatsby》

Outside the wind was loud. All the lights were going on in West Egg now; the electric trains were carrying men home from New York, and there was excitement in the air. ONE THING'S SURE AND NOTHING'S SURER THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET-CHILDREN. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  11、She looked away from me and up to the top of the steps. We could hear Three o'clock in the Morning, a neat, sad little dance song, coming from the open door. What was it in the song that seemed to be calling her back inside? What would happen now in the soft hours of darkness? ----《The Great Gatsby》

  12、As Gatsby closed the door of the library, I was almost sure I heard the owl-eyed man break into ghostly laughter.Upstairs, we saw luxuriously furnished bedrooms with fresh flowers on the tables, dressing rooms, and bathrooms. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  13、From the car window Daisy's face looked out at me, from under a three-cornered hat, with a delighted smile.'Is this absolutely where you live, my dearest one?'Her lovely voice made the gray day feel brighter. I took her hand to help her from the car.'Are you in love with me?' she said low in my ear. ' ----《The Great Gatsby》

  14、Instead of taking the short cut across the lawn, we walked down to the road and entered through the main gates. With murmurs of delight Daisy admired the flowers, the gardens, and the way the mansion stood out against the sky. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  15、Once I had reached my front door, I looked back across the lawn. A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows and the great doors of Gatsby's mansion. Standing on the porch was the lonely figure of the host, his hand raised in a formal goodbye. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  16、Daisy put her arm through his, but Gatsby seemed lost in thought. Possibly he had realized that the enormous importance of that light had now gone for ever. To him it had seemed very near to her, almost touching her, as close as a star to the moon. Now it was just a green light on a dock again.'Look!' cried Daisy. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  17、'Look!' said Daisy suddenly. Her eyes were on her little finger. We all looked. It was black and blue.'You did it, Tom,' she said accusingly. 'I know you didn't mean to, but you did do it. That's what I get for marrying a great big powerful animal of a man."I hate that word animal,' said Tom crossly, 'even as a joke.' ----《The Great Gatsby》

  18、When I came back from the East last autumn, I felt I wanted the whole world to be in moral uniform, all living a highly moral life for ever. I wanted no more wildness, no more secrets of the human heart. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  19、I went in – after making every possible noise in the kitchen – but I don't believe they heard a sound. They were sitting at either end of the sofa, and every sign of embarrassment was gone. Daisy had been crying, and was drying her tears. But there was a surprising change in Gatsby. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  20、After his embarrassment and then his unreasoning joy, he now felt only wonder that she was there.Pulling himself together, he opened two huge cupboards to show us his well-cut suits, expensive shirts, and silk ties.'I've got a man in England who buys me clothes. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  21、'Here, my dear.' She felt drunkenly around on the floor, and picked up the necklace. 'Give it back to whoever it belongs to. And tell them all, Daisy's changed her mind!'She began to cry – she cried and cried. I rushed out and found her mother's servant girl. We locked the door and got Daisy into a cold bath. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  22、They had forgotten me, but Daisy looked up and held out her hand; Gatsby didn't know me now at all. I looked once more at them and they looked back at me, distantly, enclosed in their own bright world. Then I went out of the room and down the grand steps into the rain, leaving them there together. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  23、And so, with the sunshine, and the leaves bursting out on the trees, I had that recognizable feeling that life was beginning over again with the summer. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  24、He talked a lot about the past, and I understood that he wanted to rediscover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy. His life had been confused and meaningless since then, but if he could only return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly ----《The Great Gatsby》

  25、There was dancing now on the lawn, the orchestra was playing jazz, and champagne was being served in glasses bigger than finger bowls. The moon had risen higher, and floating in the ocean was a silver triangle, trembling a little in the night air. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  26、'Why didn't he ask you to arrange a meeting?''He wants her to see his house, and you live right next door.'It was dark now, and I put my arm round Jordan's golden shoulder and drew her toward me. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  27、You see, I think everything's terrible anyway. Everybody thinks so. And I know. I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Nothing's new to me!' She laughed scornfully.The moment her voice stopped, her power over me died away. I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said, and it made me uneasy. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  28、One autumn night, five years before, they had been walking down the street. The ground was white with moonlight, and they stopped and turned toward each other. It was a cool night, but with that mysterious excitement in it which comes as the seasons change. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  29、Already it was deep summer, and when I reached my house, I put the car away and sat for a while out in my small garden. It was a loud, bright night, with wings beating in the trees and insects flying above my head. A cat moved across the grass in the moonlight, and, turning my head to watch it, I saw that I was not alone. ----《The Great Gatsby》

  30、Gatsby, his hands still in his pockets, was standing in front of the fireplace. The back of his head was touching a clock on a shelf, but he was trying to look perfectly comfortable and even a little bored. His miserable eyes stared down at Daisy, who was sitting, frightened but beautiful, on the edge of a stiff chair. ----《The Great Gatsby》


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